How to Recover Deleted Telegram Chats, Messages & Photos


Accidentally deleted Telegram conversations? Here we offer you 3 possible Telegram data recovery solutions to help you recover deleted chats, messages and photos from Telegram with ease.

Is it possible to recover deleted Telegram messages & photos? 

Telegram is one of most popular messaging application that owns a large number of users. With it, you can send messages, photos, videos , doc (zip, RAR). But sometimes, the chats or messages in Telegram can be mistakenly deleted or get lost due to some other reasons. When it happens unexpectedly, you will find how difficult it is to recover deleted Telegram messages since Telegram doesn’t offer you a data recovery solution to retrieve your conversation. But it doesn’t mean Telegram data recovery is impossible. In this page, we collected 3 possible ways to recover deleted photos, messages in Telegram app. You can read on to get the details. 

Also read: Recover Deleted Instagram Deleted Messages

Three possible ways to recover deleted Telegram messages & photos

1. Recover deleted photos from Telegram images folder

The first and easiest method to recover deleted Telegram photos is to find them in the “Telegram Images” folder. When you receiving a picture from Telegram, it will be saved in the “Telegram Images” folder on your memory card or internal memory of your phone. Those pictures will not be deleted from the folder even you deleted them from Telegram chat directly. 

Connect Android phone to pc to recover deleted Telegram messages & photos

Also read: Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chat and Attachment Files

2. Recover deleted Telegram photos from cache folder

The second way is to recover deleted Telegram chats from the cache folder in which stored all the messages, images, videos and other files in the deleted conversations. To do this, in the external SD card in your phone, go for “Android” folder > “data” folder > “org.telegram” folder > “cache” folder. Open it and then you will find all the images deleted from the Telegram conversations.

Connect Android phone to pc to recover deleted Telegram messages & photos

As you can see, the above two free ways mentioned above are both helpful to retrieve deleted photos from Telegram app. 

3. Recover deleted files with Android data recovery software

Here, if you want to recover deleted files of other types like text messages, contacts, documents, pictures, video files, etc. on your Android devices, we recommend you to try Android data recovery software. You can download the free trial version to free scan for your deleted files. And if you make sure you find your target files, you can purchase a license code to retrieve them back. Otherwise, you won’t pay for it. Please note that the application is not available to recover Telegram data.

Step 1. Connect your Android device to computer, launch Android data recovery software, and then click “Start” button to make the software recognize and connect your device.

NOTE: As the software can only access the rooted Android device, you need to make sure that your phone or tablet has been rooted before data recovery.

Connect Android phone to pc to recover deleted or lost data

Step 2.After connecting your Android device, the software will quickly scan the device to find all the lost data. You can easily find the files you want by choosing the correct file types.

Step 3. Preview and select out the files you want and click “Recover” button to retrieve and save them to your computer. Here “Only display deleted items” option to list the deleted files only. 

Recover deleted or lost data with Android data recovery software

Also read: Recover Deleted Snapchat Messages


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